Luke Ski’s GenCon Indy concert now has a specific ticket!

Attention GENCON INDY attendees:

My Saturday night 9pm concert is now a specific ticketed event! Please go buy a ticket for it to ensure you'll have a seat at my concert!

ENT1232218 "the great Luke Ski: Live in Concert!"

The show's price is still $2, same as a Generic Ticket, which will also be accepted at the door assuming there are still seats left at showtime. However, purchasing a specific ticket for my concert in advance has another important purpose. It lets the powers that be at GenCon know that I do have a fanbase there that wants me to return every year to put on a show. So if you're planning to see my show at GenCon Indy this year, I would really really appreciate it if you'd go buy the specific $2 ticket in advance. (If you already bought a $2 Generic Ticket for the specific purpose of using it to see my show and you have no other potential use for it, let me know.)

Also, don't forget about "Friday Night Live" (ENT1232317, $2) with performances by Luke Ski, Marc Gunn, Tom Smith, the Damsels of Dorkington, Mikey Mason, and Dan the Bard! I'm also performing at the Costume Contest on Saturday as usual, but you don't need a ticket for that.

Thanks everyone, see you in Indianapolis, if not sooner. 🙂

~ Luke Ski

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