2015 Logan Awards announcements

Power Salad Logan Award 2014 400First of all, we’re happy to report that the robot cat stat­uettes have been safely deliv­ered to our 2014 Logan Award win­ners. So con­grat­u­la­tions to them once again, they are very happy to have received them, as you can see by this pic­ture of Power Salad with their trophies.

Sec­ondly, we are happy to announce that the 5th Annual Logan Awards cel­e­brat­ing the most out­stand­ing com­edy songs & music videos of the cal­en­dar year 2014 will be held at FuMPFeST 2015, which is hap­pen­ing June 5th through 7th, 2015 at the Westin Chicago North Shore in Wheel­ing, IL. They have just started announc­ing their per­form­ing guests, so for details on all of that and how to reg­is­ter and reserve your hotel rooms, go tohttp://www.fumpfest.com .

Fur­ther­more, we’re happy to announce our Chair for the 2015 Logan Awards, Jean Prior. Jean was a Juror for the 2011 Logan Awards, and has been the man­ager of the “Table 27″ merch table at both MarsCon and FuMPFeST for the past few years. We’re very excited to have her as our Chair for this year’s awards.

Now that 2014 has come to a close, it’s time for you, the com­edy music fans, to start think­ing about what all of your favorite com­edy songs and music videos have been over the past year. Some­time in the next com­ing months, we will open the nom­i­na­tion sug­ges­tion form page so you can start sub­mit­ting your song & video sug­ges­tions for this year’s jury. So come back here for future updates, and also keep an eye on our Face­book pageand for the Funny Music Project, a.k.a. The FuMP dot com, for more announce­ments and updates on the 2015 Logan Awards. Thanks for read­ing, have a happy new year, so long and thanks for all the lizards and fish!

For more details, visit: http://www.loganawards.com/2015/01/2015-logan-awards-location-and-chair-announced/

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